
Individual Residencies

2021 | Sharon Stevens

As a curator and media artist, I have been producing artist-led events and digital art installations to memorialize the dead since 2010. The Digital Shrine, which I conceptualized in 2011 consists of a specially designed installation where the public write tributes that are digitized onto a screen. My residency plan includes research of data software programs to improve the practicalities and output of the Digital Shrine including platforms that could be expanded to include photographs.

I believe artists have a creative and sacred responsibility to offer innovative, safe, and communal ways of honouring our dead. This is not necessarily a sustaining outlook, so my residency at will contribute to restoring and fuelling my energy and commitment.

There are so few artists and collaborators working in the field of memorializing the dead that a chance to connect and build more networks internationally will expand how I curate and program into the future.