
Individual Residencies

2022 | Katja Hock

My work constantly plays with our perception, deliberately challenging the distinctions between drawing, still photography and film, while exploring the relationship between what is visible and that which might only be suggested. Most recently I created alternative galleries, projecting my work onto different surfaces and buildings that are of historical and political relevance to the projected subject itself, linking surfaces and narratives that are connected but separated through time and space; time is no longer linear but circular; the past becomes our present as we are asked to look into the future.

During my residency, I explore those relationships by returning to the matter and materials of the represented itself. Through the employment of my senses, and engagement with surfaces such as skin, stone, sand, and paper while investigating their ways of connecting to their immediate environment, I ruminate on not only my being in this world as ‘matter’ but also question our place as ‘material’ within a wider historical and political context.