

Performing language
Live writing
Transgressing translation
Shaping sites
Voicing contributors

Languages lead my life and guide my art practice.

Performing language is explored in a series of situations, occupying and shaping sites, locations and contexts. Through ‘live’ writing publications are produced, and subject-matters investigated in public research studios. As an embodied artistic catalyst, I have become the Creative Correspondent and The Pedlar, inhabiting characters to enact and explore through staging and processes of creative encounter, employing and sharing a creative toolkit of self, voice, sound, drawing, writing, film, travel, learning, story and people.

Approaches embrace negotiation, critical engagement, control-taking, resistance, subversion, failure and self-doubt, sustained over periods when cumulative research processes are formed through research-led projects, embedded in and responsive to a locality.

At the heart of multi-disciplinary behaviour is a woman’s quest – activated through the female body – for the production of language-based practices in the habitation of spontaneity: nimbly flexing in real time to the shifting and multi-layered conditions of each encounter.

My aesthetics is that of the moving; the shifting, slippery, transitional, re-ordered, re-toned, later fixed and presented as sequence, through geographical mobility transformed in the space between fixity and presentation.

The inter-temporal, the personal and general histories, narratives and memories that reference lived experiences sit side by side reconstructing narratives and re-claiming memories, navigating place and dis-placement.

Writing is present in all the work that I do, and this is one of my favourite pieces, Language, Listening and Belonging, Tracy Mackenna, 2017 (00:04:27)

Love, Loss and Legacy was written to accompany the book Super, Special, Normal by Anette Lundebye, an artist’s book that combines embroidery and episodic storytelling of love and loss and tells the story of a brother who defied yet never escaped the ableist gaze, published by Lundebye Press, 2023.

Editing and Proofreading

I use my artistic and academic skills in The Museum of Loss and Renewal Publishing, a vehicle for the production of artist’s publications, books and limited editions, to collaborate on design and production and I edit and proofread.

Residents and non-residents can propose a publishing project. The Museum of Loss and Renewal Publishing provides design, editing, proofreading, marketing and distribution across a network of relevant international professionals and organisations.

Notebook and Stories Blog