
Individual Residencies

2019 | Erika Dahlén

Anthropogenic environmental problems give new dimensions to existential questions: what does it mean to be a human – a living being with knowledge of its own mortality?

The Swedish artist Erika Dahlén has a long-standing commitment to matters regarding our relationship with nature, a perspective which permeates her projects. She uses textile and paint, cut pieces stitched into a patchwork bringing fragments together into a new whole in an act that might be seen as a prayer of intercession for a world seemingly torn apart. Her aim during the residency was to integrate the landscape of Collemacchia into her textile assemblages.

Erika Dahlén studied art in Stockholm, Sweden and in Vadodara, India. Her works are represented in Moderna Museet | Modern Art Museum, Stockholm and in public and private collections. She is a regular visiting lecturer at University College of Arts, Crafts and Design in Stockholm. She also works as a project manager, recently for a national project Art, Refugee and Integration which explored artistic practice as a resource in refugee reception.