
Individual Residencies

2022 | Judith Schrijver

I talked a lot as a child. Due to the lack of interested listeners and my urge to express my feelings and thoughts, I kept diaries from a very young age and I still do. Diagnosed with ADHD, I notice and focus on a lot of things at once, and my monologues and texts are an expression of this. I analyse my thoughts but at the same time I freely associate.

As an actress, singer and theatre maker I prepare for auditions, and I work as a text editor and a barista. Looking at my notebooks and diaries during the residency, I considered my ideas; a musical theatre play, a solo performance about Ophelia and women in visual art, a story about my job in healthcare, a love-story-gone-wrong between two young people.

In 2021, I wrote a solo performance about American artist Loïe Fuller, developed with Luc Debuyser and Akelei Loos in a 2020 residency part-funded by The Museum of Loss and Renewal.