

A curated publishing project and mobile exhibition in edition format b y Tracy Mackenna & Edwin Janssen; each boxes contains seven artist’s A0 posters and specially commissioned texts.

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For each iteration of Micromegas seven artists/designers and one writer were invited to respond to Voltaire’s Micromégas novella of 1752.

Graphic design: Tracy Mackenna & Edwin Janssen
Contributing artists/writers to date: Dora Garcia, Jonathan Monk, Marco Stout, Mark Dorrian, Pavel Büchler, Scott Myles, Thomson & Craighead, Bik Van der Pol, Emma Bolland, Jacques Longuecolline, Jonn Herschend, Laure Prouvost, Mick Peter, Stefanos Pavlakis & Tobias Kauer and Tracy Mackenna & Edwin Janssen.
Publisher: The Museum of Loss and Renewal Publishing
Each box 30 x 43 x 6.5 cm.